
Port wine is one of the world's great fortified wines, ideal for the Christmas and New Years holiday season. An aux nuages signature offering!
Port can be difficult to understand as few opportunities exist to try different Port styles back to back. With alcohol levels typically in the 19-20 percent range, served at the end of a tasting or a meal, it is easy to get tipsy after tasting only one or two of them!
We will take a somewhat unique approach to this challenge by tasting Port in two distinct episodes. One episode will feature bottle-aged Ports (Ruby, LBV, and Vintage), and the other barrel-aged Ports (Tawnies and Colheitas). Each episode will include a selection of Port wines alongside still or sparkling wines designed to help you understand more about Port wine, and to refresh the palate.
The Port selections we offer are made in a very modern style - fruitier, drier, and easier to approach either young or old. Worth trying! We will make sure to include some well-aged examples, plus some Port wines that are not currently available in Japan.
You can expect to taste about 7 Port wines in different styles, along with a similar number of still wines (primarily from Port's home region of Douro in northern Portugal). About 14-15 wines in total. Subject to availability, the wines will be available for purchase on the spot, or can be shipped anywhere in Japan.
Please note that participation in this event is limited to 15 persons.
Signup is now open, wine list will be available shortly.
aux nuages – Port wine extraordinaire
Date: December 9, 2018 (Sunday) 3 – 6 pm
Venue: Nishi-azabu Bridgehouse (near Hiroo station)
Price: ¥5,000
Places: 15
ポートワインは、クリスマスから新年にかけてののホリデーシーズンに最適なワインとして、世界でも有数の素晴らしいワインの1つです。 オ・ヌワージュが誇りを持ってオススメするワインの一つです。
ポートワインを2種類の異なるスタイルで試飲する、少しユニークなアプローチを予定しています。 1つは、瓶で熟成されたポート(Ruby、LBV、およびVintage)の飲み比べ。もう一つは樽で熟成されたポート(TawniesとColheitas)の飲み比べです。
日時: 2018年12月9日(日) 3 – 6 pm
場所: 西麻布ブリッジハウス (最寄駅日比谷線広尾駅)
参加費: ¥5,000
定員: 15
Wine List
We feature eight Ports, plus several sparkling and still wines principally from the Douro region.
Highlights include Quevedo 40 year old Tawny Port, (which we recently saw advertised in France at a price of 189 euros!) and two Ports from Quinta das Carvalhas that are not currently available in Japan.
Please note that we are breaking the event into two stages and the tasting order will differ significantly from the order shown below.
Port wines
Rosé - Quevedo Port Wines - Rose Port NV
Tawny (barrel aged) - Quevedo Port Wines - Special Reserve Tawny Port NV - Real Companhia Velha - Quinta das Carvalhas 10 Year Tawny Port NV - Quevedo Port Wines - Colheita Port 1996 - Quevedo Port Wines - 40 Years Tawny Port NV
Ruby (bottle aged) - Quevedo Port Wines - Reserve Ruby Port NV - Real Companhia Velha - Quinta das Carvalhas LBV Port 2013 - Quevedo Port Wines - Vintage Port 2007
Still and sparkling wines
Sparkling - Real Companhia Velha - Espumante Bruto 2013
White - Quinta do Romeu - Douro Reserva Branco 2014 (organic) - Quinta do Pôpa - Pôpa Black Edition Branco 2015 - Real Companhia Velha - Vinho Branco da Quinta das Carvalhas 2015
Red - Real Companhia Velha - Quinta das Carvalhas Touriga Nacional 2014 - Herdade São Miguel - Touriga Franca 2010 - Quinta do Pôpa - Pôpa 'TR' Tinta Roriz 2012