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Winter Wine Tasting 冬の試飲会 2月16日(日)

執筆者の写真: RumiRumi


日時 2020年2月16日(日) 15時〜18時

場所 目黒区八雲5丁目

参加費 お一人様4,000円

We have moved from the old Bridgehouse to a new location in Meguro-ku's Yakumo neighborhood near Komazawa Park. Yakumo (八雲) becomes 'Huit Nuages' in French, so 'aux nuages' is now happily operating from Huit Nuages!

Wines and Tasting Format: We will pour an eclectic mix of about 15 white, red, and fortified wines from artisanal producers in Portugal, France and Spain.  The highlight is a vertical tasting of fortified Rivesaltes wines from southern France. The wines come from Domaine Singla, in French Catalonia near the border with Spain. Domaine Singla produces fortified wines in the great Roussillon tradition of vins doux naturels. We will include a special flight of these wines going back 40 years or more. Made in a handmade style in small quantities, you will be impressed by the delicacy, balance,  and character of these wines. If you don't know them, try them! RSVP: Please note that this event is limited to 15 participants and reservations are required. Please reserve by sending a mail message to or by using the sign up link below. You will receive a message in response confirming your attendance, with precise location and directions.

Wine Sales: Attendees will be given a wine list with prices at a discount to our usual list prices. We will accept orders at the discounted prices for 1-2 weeks after the event.

Time and Logistics: we start at 3:00 pm, but it is not necessary to arrive strictly on time. We ask that participants finish the tasting by 6:00 pm.

aux nuages – 'Huit Nuages' winter wine tasting When:  February 16 2020 (Sunday) 3 – 6 pm Where: Huit Nuages (near Komazawa Olympic Park) Price: ¥4,000 Places: 15


八雲をフランス語ではHuit Nuages。私たちの屋号「aux nuages」はこの地名「Huit Nuages」にぴったりフィットしていると思いませんか?








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