After a hiatus where we moved from the Bridgehouse to a new location in Meguro-ku, we are resuming wine tastings in our new place starting this coming Saturday November 30.
We knew somehow that this was the right place to move when we saw that the neighborhood is called Yakumo 八雲, or Huit Nuages in French. So 'aux nuages' is now operating from 'Huit Nuages'!
Tasting Format: This wine tasting focuses on Champagne and Port. In addition we will feature a number of still wines, so that you will try about 17-18 high quality wines in total.
As in the past, you will be given a glass and a welcome drink, and will enjoy a self-guided tasting. We are available to introduce the wines and answer questions. This time we will focus on four producers from France and Portugal. We hope this makes the wines easier to remember, and turns out to be educational. Please let us know how this works for you.
Wine List: Please expect 4-5 Portuguese white wines from garagiste wunderkind Marcio Lopes, 4-5 organic red wines from Domaine Singla in Roussillon (family owned since 1760), 4 Champagnes from the distinguished house of Comtes de Dampierre, and 4 Ports from Quevedo Port Wines, a rising star in the new generation of independent Port producers.
We think the wines will be wonderful, and we will finish on a highlight - old Ports from 1996 and 1974, so make sure to hold on until the end! Facilities will be availabe for those who wish to spit out some of the wines and manage their alcohol intake (strongly encouraged).
aux nuagesはこのなつ西麻布から移転をし、目黒区に拠点を移しました。
目黒区八雲。閑静な住宅地でありながら、オ・ヌワージュは駒沢オリンピック公園に隣接しているため、活気溢れるエリアの一角でもあります。八雲はフランス語でHuit Nuages。「aux nuages」が八雲にあるのもごく自然に思える名前です。