Notice: This event has been postponed as some attendees have been affected by quarantine issues relating to the COVID19 coronavirus epidemic.
We look forward to hosting this event once the trajectory of this epidemic is more clearly understood. In the meantime, we wish you safety and good health.
There is an extra day this year, so why not spend it enjoying some fine wine?
February 29 comes only once every four years, so we are doing a special tasting featuring wines from Leap Years! We will present an eclectic mix of fine white, red, and fortified wines made in 2016, 2012, 2008, . . . going back up to 40 years.
We hope you enjoy this creative experience featuring some truly excellent selections.
Wines and Tasting Format: You can expect to try a mix of about 15 white, red, and fortified wines from artisanal producers in Portugal, France and Spain.
Fortified wines are a favorite topic for us, and we will include some beautiful Port wines from Portugal's Douro region and Rivesaltes wines from Roussillon in southern France. Come learn about Tawny, Ruby, and Vintage Ports and the delicate vins doux naturels (VDN) of Roussillon.
Made in a handmade style in small quantities, you will be impressed by the delicacy, balance, and character of these wines.
RSVP: Please note that this event is limited to 15 participants and reservations are required. Tasting fee is ¥3,500.
Please reserve by sending a mail message to concierge@aux-nuages.jp or by using the sign up link below.
Subject to availability, the wines will be available for purchase on the spot, or can be shipped anywhere in Japan.
Wine List
Please find the wine list below, with some brief notes on each selection. Names and regions have been highlighted. This is not a complete listing, a few other labels will be added closer to the date.
Vintage 2016
- Quinta do Pôpa - Pôpa DOC Douro Branco 2016 (Portugal / Douro white)
- blend of four local Douro white varieties with crispy acidity and tropical fruit expression
- Domaine Singla - La Coste 2016 (France / Roussillon organic white)
- organic blend of Macabeu and Roussanne from low yielding parcels
- Adega Davide - Davide Tradición 2016 (Spain / Rias Baixas white)
- nice mineral expression of Albariño from a maritime location with great style
- Bodegas Albamar - Finca O Pereiro 2016 (Spain / Rias Baixas white)
- special cuvée Albariño from a small parcel near the Atlantic coast, malolactic fermentation gives it a softer, more velvety texture
- Domaine Singla - El Moli 2016 (France / Roussillon organic red)
- a vigorous Mediterranean-style expression of fruit and spicy elements from low yielding Grenache and Syrah vines
- Bodegas Albamar - Fusco 2016 (Spain / Ribeira Sacra red)
- a light bodied, fresh expression of 100% Mencia grapes characterized by red fruits, forest notes. and complex aromas
Vintage 2012
- Antonio Cajide - Sameiras Tinto 2012 (Spain / Ribeiro red)
- exotic smoky and medicinal notes characterize this blend of Caiño, Sousón, and Brancellao varieties
- Quinta do Pôpa - Pôpa TR Tinta Roriz 2012 (Portugal / Douro red)
- 100% Tempranillo (called Tinta Roriz in northern Portugal) with a forest and spicy character distinct to the Douro region
- Château Fabre-Gasparets - Chimère lieu dit 'la Serre' 2012 (France / Corbières organic red)
- from a top 'lieu dit' in the vast Corbières region, an expression of fruit and garrigue spices with great gastronomic appeal
Vintage 2008
- Quevedo Port Wines - LBV (Late Bottled Vintage) Port 2008 (Portugal / Douro fortified)
- Fully mature LBV of very high quality, made in a slightly drier house style
Vintage 1996
- Quevedo Port Wines - Colheita Port 1996 (Portugal / Douro fortified)
- Tawny Port from a single vintage year (1996) aged to luscious maturity in barrels and bottled for your drinking pleasure
Vintage 1980
- Domaine Singla - Héritage du Temps Rivesaltes Ambré Millesime 1980 (France / Roussillon fortified)
- White wines, lightly fortified, and then aged for decades in a system of barrels and glass demijohns unique to Roussillon. Wonderful stuff.
We hope you enjoy these selections.
2020年はうるう年。高級ワインで特別な1日を過ごしてみませんか? 4年に1回のうるう年。そのうるう年に作られたワインばかりを集めて試飲をしていただきます! 2016年、2012年、2008年に製造された上質の白ワイン、赤ワイン、強化ワインをご紹介します。 本当に素晴らしいセレクションを備えたこのクリエイティブな体験をお楽しみください。 ワインとテイスティングの形式:ポルトガル、フランス、スペインの職人による15種類の白ワイン、赤ワイン、強化ワインをお試しいただきます。 強化ワインは私たちのお気に入りのトピックです。ポルトガルのドウロ地方の美しいポートワインと、南フランスのルシヨンのリヴサルトワインが含まれます。これらの2つの地域は、スタイルが非常に異なる、要塞化された素晴らしいワインの伝統を維持しています。 Tawny、Ruby、Vintage Ports、およびRoussillonの繊細なvins doux naturels(VDN)について学びましょう。 少量の手作りスタイルで作られているため、これらのワインの繊細さ、バランス、特徴に感銘を受けます。 RSVP:このイベントは15名の参加者に制限されており、予約が必要です。試飲料は3,500円です。 お申し込みはメールかウェブサイ近日中に公開予定)から御予約お願いします。 試飲会当日に、特別価格でワインをお買い求めいただけます。発送も承ります。 RSVP:定員15名 要予約 参加費 3,500円